Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Crossed wires

Another gym session this morning - mainly because I'm going away next week for a few days, so I'm striking while the iron is hot. After a shower, porridge and a coffee, I decided to go to the Chinese Medicine shop that I was told about yesterday. It's very handy, only a couple of bus stops.

I found it easily, the red door helped. But it was closed. No notice of the hours open, but there was a light on in the back room. The phone number was on the window, so I rang and got a recorded message from an oriental lady asking me to leave a message and they would get back to me.

I gave up and wandered down to the bus to go home, but lo! There was a new cafe! I popped in, and liked it. Quite loud music, but not screechy, and a good sound system. A humungous glistening coffee machine, which should bode well, but usually does not fulfill the promise. My flat white was just all right - too milky, not strong enough, but it was hot. I did enjoy it, even though the over-enthusiastic waiter told me to, 'Enjoyenjoyenjoy!. And the cafe is dog friendly.

When I came out, I rang the acupuncturist again, just in case they were now open. I was in luck! I couldn't hear very well because of the traffic, but the oriental lady asked how she could help me.
'Aha! You're open now. I'll be there in a minute.'

Got there. Door still locked.
'Hello, I'm at the door and it's still locked.'
'Sorry, I'll just come down and open it.'

I waited another five minutes. Nobody appeared. I rang again.

By this time the other person on the phone was realising that
a) I was a complete idiot, or
b) I was not ringing who I thought I was.

'Are you wanting the Thai Restaurant?'
'No, I want the acupuncturist on Morningside Road.'
'This is the Thai restaurant in town. You have the wrong number.'

Oops. I had just gone to my 'recent' phone calls list when I came out of the cafe, and rang the top one, which was indeed the Thai restaurant in town which does have a ground floor door then a lift.

The traffic noise combined with my ignorance of foreign accents had caused the confusion.

Later in the afternoon, JR decided to take Archie to the Links. Unfortunately, it was exactly the same time as it decided to hail, then snow. It's impossible to tell Archie that walkies are now postponed.

Lovely sunshine now that they're back, somewhat drookit.

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