Ring Nebula...Again

Apologies for blipping a nebula that I have shot before but I have been trying to refine my use of the telescope and test the ability of the 60D to image.

Overall, it has been a successful night. I aligned the scope quickly, got the camera attached and managed to image The ring nebula (M57) and also two other nebula
* NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula
* NGC 6819 - an open star cluster in the constellation of Cygnus.

The telescope behaved well, slewing to the correct area of sky and the camera is an improvement, if only for the additional resolution and the moveable live view screen which means I don't have to contort myself into ridiculous positions to get a view of what I shoot.

Most of the day spent at work. I have done my filing (i.e I have shredded everything that I haven't filed in the past twelve months), sorted my cupboards out and rearranged my office so that it is left-hander friendly. It's been all wrong for 6 years now - it needed sorting. Came home and decided to start filling my planner...put my timetable in, that sort of thing. 5 hours later I have blocked out my half terms to July 2013, identified what my students are going to be doing each half term, broadly speaking, and printed out a stack of resources ready for the little cherubs next week.

All in all, a constructive day, despite escalating pain levels. Am now drinking alcoholic ginger beer to take the edge off!

Tomorrow is a blue moon - the second full month within the month.

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