Twisted tree

Another super day. There was a covering of white stuff, not snow but tiny white balls that made everywhere look even prettier as it sparkled in the sunlight.
After a full breakfast we went for a walk along the edge of the golf course that runs next to the sea again the waves were amazing as they tumbled towards the land.We sat and watched the birds lying close to the waves picking up scraps of things to eat after being whipped by the powerful waves.
We bought a take away tea and Valentines biscuit from Harry Gows and sat by the harbour. Very peaceful. A few Fisherman were putting the world to rights. A wander round the interesting town that is surprisingly full of history from Coal mining to illicit whiskey making.
The sun was still shining so we took a run in the car up to the nearby Lochs. I liked the angle of this tree on the side of Loch Brora. We finished our trip in Helmsdale with wonderful light on the fishing boats.
We enjoyed our Valentines meal and had a restful evening sitting by the Open Fire.

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