Snow Day......Brrrrr

It was chilly and snowy, a day to stay home and in bed! I had an appointment at 10 with a yoga teacher trainer to work out the details of her assuming my yoga certification as the previous studio cancelled 1 week in to it for lack of participants. It was a very successful meeting and we will be proceeding so that i can finish by end of May. I then went on to the gym for a 3k run on the indoor 2nd floor track. The lower right photo is my view on the track, awesome to see each season. Dead centre of that photo is a red hoola hoop stuck 20 feet up in the tree....oops! A remnant from a summer kids day camp. We had about a foot of snow today and the red robins flocked to our front Japanese cherrt tree for food (lower left photo). Once home, we curled up and watched a movie while thev shepards pie and homemade dinner rolls cooked. The top photo is my beautiful hyacinth blooming with the snowy backyard scene through the window.

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