
By Frogbit

Garden bits and bobs

Sun today! Yay! First day of half term and it feels like a bit of a holiday for me too. Caught up on all the house admin I'd been ignoring in the run up to last week's exam and spent a while wandering around the garden to see what needs attention. This is the time of year when you start to see all the things you really don't want while the things you do bide their time. Spanish bluebells are returning in force despite last spring's efforts at extirpation and many, many chickweed and herb robert seedlings are taking their opportunity to get ahead of the game. Time to get out and do battle.

I was starting to think that my Christmas bells-and-whistles camera was something of a disappointment - too many images which lacked the sharpness I had hoped for. But I think the real reason is simply that there have been very few days when light levels have good enough (tools, workmen, blame and bad are words which have sprung to mind too!)  Anyway, today's sun has shown that crisp images are possible so I can't use the 'rubbish camera' excuse any more. Bother!

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