An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Old Meets New...


David braved the cold, damp weather and sneaked into the back garden to take the first snap of the pool room since the external scaffolding came down.  Unfortunately the pre-pained render which was a perfect match for the rest of the house in the sample, is not a perfect match on the walls!  We've been told it will lighten but we can't see it lightening enough to match.  So the pre-painted render, will have to be painted.  Hey ho.

The guys have worked really hard building the decking (the area of decking is much bigger than we realised it would be and will be able to take a full set of garden furniture.  Fab!) and the decking ramp so Alan will have access to the back garden from the pool (see extra taken from the bottom of the ramp)

Marion came for lunch today.  It's almost a year since we've managed a get together so it was well overdue.  So lovely to see her.  Alan was pleased to see her too.  Hopefully it won't be long before we see her again.

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