Katie, Bob and Some-Tall-Guy

We had a fabulous day today! She got up reasonably sensibly and had breakfast, did piano, chatted to Aunty K and Uncle C. We were at the station just after 9 for our tube into the city. She had an empty carriage for a while so danced away. We had time at Marylebone to get a coffee and play the station piano (though its not a happy piano). 

Today I was taking photos for a dear friend of mine who's recently had her third baby, after the sad loss of her second. I did her maternity photos in October and went back to meet the baby today. We got a taxi from the station to her house and had a really special time together. Katie and their eldest played wonderfully. We had a tasty lunch all together before doing some family photos and a few more of the baby. It was great. I'm so glad I got to see the little man. 

 About 3 they dropped us back to the station and we went back into London. We were at Oxford Circus just after 4. We decided to do a little walk of some of our favourite shops in the area. First stop was Liberty. I took her into Little Liberty and she then said "Mama, we need to go to the fabric. We have to stroke the pretties!" So proud of her! There's indeed some very gorgeous new pretties this season too. I love the stair case at Liberty so took a few pictures of her there as well. 

We then walked to Hamleys and ended up staying quite a long time. As we walked in, one of the staff made Katie "Bob the Bubble", as seen in the photo. She rather loved Bob. We had a walk round all the huge Star Wars display and her & Bob had their photos with various characters. We arrived at the soft toy section just as a puppet show was starting. She sat her and Bob right at the front and led the way in enthusiastic choruses of "ohhh no he isnt" and "he's behind you" as they told a slightly improvised and very amusing version of the Gruffalo. After the show she spent time chasing bubbles before we walked to Leicester Square. We managed to arrive in time to chose a few bags of M&Ms for herself and couple of other people, but we were too late to go into the Lego store. I've promised her we'll go next weekend when we are down without plans! We then walked to Covent Garden. She put her onesie on in the stage doors of the Royal Opera House and then peered longingly in through the doors of the Royal Ballet School. We walked round the market which was still lively with music at 6.45pm on a cold Sunday night. She danced in the silver light for a while before we decided we'd make tracks to the station. We passed Rituals as we walked. It had a beautiful big cherry blossom in the doorway & Katie said "mama, that's so pretty, lets go in". The sales assistant came over to us almost immediately, rather enthralled at this little pixie who was completely entranced by the shop with the beautiful trees and gorgeous smells. She spent 20 minutes showing Katie round, giving her a hand massage and treatments on her hands, spritzing her with lovely mists and fetching her Japanese tea. Katie was having a magical time! I let her choose some foaming shower gel (seriously, most expensive shower product I have ever bought, but a bargain given it followed so much entertainment & happies for the little one). She had a great time! 

We got to Kings Cross with time for a last swing on the birdcage - which we have discovered is lit up with gorgeous rainbow lights at nighttime now. It looked fabulous! Katie wept a few sad tears at having to leave the city. She soon fell asleep on the train after a big tea and slept the whole way back. 

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