
It was less painful than I expected to get Katie up and out this morning, given that it was 12.30 am that I got her to bed. I did abandon all hope of doing any of our normal morning music, so we only had to get her out the house in a clean, fed & dressed state. But we succeeded. I had to laugh though- she and Bobbins had both had huge weekends and we arrived at the parking street at the same time. Both girls had wet hair quickly done into emergency plaits (they both normally have very tidy braids, buns or such) and both mamas had scruff buns, no make up and tired eyes! They skipped into school giggling away together though. 

Thankfully, there was no band tonight as they have a two week half term from that, and it meant that Granny and Grandad could come for a nice long visit. We arrived home to a lovely couple of treats. I do a monthly craft swap and today received a very sweet handmade bag for Katie. Granny and Grandad brought with them a parcel for Katie that had been delivered to their house which was beautifully wrapped with super cute stickers and drawings on the envelope. In it was a gorgeous Belle and Boo book. I'd claimed an offer for a free book if you signed a couple of people to the mailing - I had expected a small, fairly minimal book but we got a beautiful full size copy of a lovely book, packaged so carefully. Granny also gave mama a wee treat as she had brought some stunning fat quarters she'd bought to show me, including Tilda which is one of my favourite fabrics. She kindly donated a couple to me, hurrah! 

This past weekend my brother had sent my parents their album of his wedding photos. It's huge and incredible. We spent a happy time going through it before tea. Katie did some piano and some clarinet, showing Grandad and Granny her new Grade 3 work. Grandad and Katie then played snakes and ladders and ludo on a new wooden games board we got the other day. She asked Grandad to read her bedtime story & was asleep not long after they'd gone. 

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