a new year!

By Thesalh70

Shaken but not stirred

Am quiet excited that September is nearly here. It's one of my favourite months for a few reasons, the mornings are a bit crispier, often a nice blue sky start, you also sense autumn closing in with the sun rising later and setting earlier, and finally I'll get to play Neil diamonds 'September morning'!!

This morning definately had a cooler feel to it as I set off to work. Office was a ghost town with just 4 of us in from 10am onwards. That said we were v busy with lots of messy calls, lots of queries.

Lunch and bravely wandered out without a coat. Had a brolly that would go up but wouldn't go down, felt like Mary poppins as I queued in philpotts for lunch.

A good afternoon and was soon 5pm. Was meeting mum li and Matthew for tea at browns tonight. Was beautiful! Shared a bottle of Pinot grigio rose with mum, as we enjoyed our meals. I didn't have a dessert, went for a liquid dessert instead and a gorgeous hazelnut martini! Delicious!!

Home and early to bed. Last Friday monthly mufty day tomorrow! Long long week and am looking forward to a great weekend.

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