a new year!

By Thesalh70

Happy birthday to my beautiful sis!

Had the most divine, peaceful and gorgeous uninterrupted sleep last night...NOT! Woke at 2.30am and was awake a couple of hours. Managed to drift back off though.

Bus into town as I'd left my car at work last night. Don't mind a bus ride into town now and again, and this morning was a gorgeous morning, typical early autumnal morning as I walked to the bus stop.

Great team effort this week at work, despite it being a bank holiday week and being short staffed, its been really busy and as usual they've got stuck in, and got on with it. We even managed a little pre-nuptial prank on Jane! V funny!

A good morning and then had a spot of shopping to do at lunch. Checked out my new lens at jessops (now need to buy it!). Wandered up parliament street en route to philpotts, and spotted this building. It's the old Nottingham Daily Express building. It was built in 1876 by local architect Watson fothergill, a local legend. Quickly took a pic.

A good afternoon, and finally the clock strikes 5! Home time people!

Called at li's to take her pres. Greeted by mad dog fizz, still mad!

Takeaway tea tonight, Friday night special! Watched some Paralympics tonight, and awestruck by the courage, amazing!

A long long week ends on a nice note...happy birthday li!!!

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