a new year!

By Thesalh70

Sunset break from monopoly!

A gorgeous start to the day. Sunrise getting later now and it was lovely walking Pete out at 6.15am...seeing the heron flying overhead as we walked to the rec.

Meeting at work all morning and then we had lunch together, courtesy of my fair hands! (And mr sainsburys!)

Busy afternoon and didn't leave til nearly 5.30pm. Took a long detour out of Nottingham as the traffic the last few nights has been awful. I have 2 more monopoly stops to do, and one of them is wollaton hall which I can't visit without tying in a visit to see mr Brett g-y! I also want to try and tie that shot in with a sunset behind it too!

So straight home, 4 day long week, and I need a curry to try to sweat this cold out!

Pete has also got a taste for curry and wouldn't leave me alone as I ate it!

Finally he calmed down enough to enjoy the sunset tonight. Stunning skies.

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