it’s never going to work is it?

Anniemay is trying to explain the intricacies of the Fitbit to me.  I’m not giving it my full attention - and she can tell - because I’m gazing past her through the dining room window, my attention caught by Mrs Duck wandering along our wall and then finally hopping on to this bird house.

A dilemma; do I go and get my camera and risk appearing rude?  Or do I wait, hoping the explanation is short, but risk Mrs Duck becoming impatient and flying off?

I compromise by walking backwards out of the room thus giving Anniemay the appearance of an attentive audience and nip back with my camera, pronto.  Thankfully she has not noticed because there is still more to learn about the Fitbit.  And Mrs Duck is still perched on the birdhouse.

And then Mr Duck turns up and she flies off to join him.  He gives it the once over.  She looks at me …….. or she could be sympathising with Anniemay.  

The Fitbit tutorial is for my benefit.  I’m going to the gym this morning and she’s trying show how the device can measure effort expended on things like weights, treadmill, exercise bike and so on.  

And why do I need to know this?  Because the latest guidance on exercise for heart and lung patients suggests we need to increase our effort to repair our damaged hearts and lungs.  Apparently some of us have been slacking …..

I look at the Fitbit App on the phone and there’s a monkey in my head playing the cymbals.  La la la la …..

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