Perfect Ending At Least!

What a day! French Dweller went to visit her dad and I went into Sudbury. I wanted to see the Silk factory and then we would visit the Gainsborough Gallery together. Well! Sudbury was a shock after oh so pretty houses - superstores, busy high street, lots of cars and people! I got to see most of the nicer side as I went all round it in my search for the silk factory! Which one was not allowed to tour as I had thought! But I did buy my sister a bag of silk off cuts! I was wandering round the church taking photos of the gargoyles where we had arranged to meet when she drove by! So I jumped in and we parked and visited NatWest bank! We left an hour later having sorted out why her card had been denied as soon as she tried to use it to pay for her hire car! Long story and she was not happy and told the woman so in no uncertain terms! Before teaching English in France she was a solicitor so she knows her rights and is a fearsome woman to deal with - especially if someone is  spouting bureaucratic nonsense! We always have a good old discussion / argument about everything! Gets my little grey cells working! 
We headed for lunch and by the time she had eaten she was calm! But unfortunately the Gainsborough House was closed and the shrunken head in the church she wanted to see was not on display! So we returned home! 
After dinner we headed out as she wanted a pint of bitter and I wanted to photograph the church! I did at one point wonder why I was mucking around in the dark amongst the gravestones! I joined her and had my first ever bitter shandy - oh how lovely it was I had another! We played with a dog in the pub who was just delightful and chatted to his owner who was staying in the hotel where we were drinking. He puts seed machines together for farmers - he did tell me how many seeds it could plant - in the thousands that much I do remember! I noticed a rocking horse so photographed it, and then the ones the barmaid informed me were upstairs!  I  then took some more photos of the church from the middle of the village green! We then both went home very happy with the way the day ended!
The nice bits of Sudbury are here and lots more of the church at night!   

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