A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Delighted Shepherds Part II

And rest...

Last night was not at all relaxing and for so many of the wrong reasons but mostly because very late at night (just as the boys had returned from a terrible result at the football) we discovered that one of (our only?) waste pipe was blocked in a way that made the kids' bedroom uninhabitable without the aid of gas masks. Which we don't have. Fortunately all the facilities still worked but way after midnight found us making up new beds so they could sleep in my folks' room (my folks aren't here, in case that just sounds like we are really mean) and shoving chemicals and mops down toilets in an attempt to get things moving.

Tiny amounts of joy but not enough for us to be able to leave the house for my parents to come in two weeks and not worry about what they might have to deal with so this morning saw us early in town and on the hunt for plungers and tougher, meaner chemicals. Wandered the old town expecting to find a ferreteria on every corner but were sadly disappointed and had to turn to the now ubiquitous Oriental Bazaars on nearly every corner. Times change and no time for social reflection as we headed back to deal with our waste pipe situation. As with all the worst science experiments we threw everything at the problem at once but some combination of manic plunging and probably grey market chemicals did the trick and we think (hope, hope, hope) that the problem is resolved. We have put the kids in bed there anyway and so far no complaints so fingers crossed.

Apart from that excitement today has been much as it should have been. Quite a lot of packing and cleaning as we have learned from painful experience that leaving it all until the last day and trying to leave the house in what we feel is an acceptable state for my parents mom's standards can be quite stressful / nearly ruin a gorgeous month in the sun / cause a divorce. Today we have worked very hard and I hope this means tomorrow we will be rewarded with more pool time and a longer lunch than is right and proper on the last day.

Other noteworthy item was the late addition of a new card game to the repertoire: German Whist - a whist game for two players. Rules available here - comes highly recommended by me and a nearly 9 year old.

Now, for a last late night of terrace chat for me and Carlos.

Lesley x

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