
She's loved today. I had to work and she had another music lesson to fit in the week. So B and I decided the way forward was to take her to Bs early this morning and leave her there. She skipped the whole way there and had a great time. She arrived and had breakfast with B & hubby. Today's biggest job was to film her audition tape. One of the pieces didn't go as well as hoped so we might revisit that but two of them were fantastic. They went out of a babyccino (she was delighted to get two flakes and also wafers). They wrote a composition on the computer, for clarinet and piano. They played on the iPad piano. They both had as much fun as the other I think.

I picked katie up late morning and we headed home. School had sent home a holiday project to cut out and decorate a foam fish for an art installation the whole school are doing next week. She rather enjoyed playing with the glittery hot glue & sparkliest fabric scraps we could find.

She had a long play in her room and did some piano practise before it was time to get ready for dance. It's musical theatre on a Friday. She's not been overly impressed the last couple of weeks but she enjoyed tonight's class - "we did proper singing and dancing, mama". They're doing three songs from Grease, she said. Despite not finishing class til after 7.15 she still wanted to know what we were doing after dancing. "Going to bed!" wasn't a pleasing answer. She was satisfied when I said we needed a couple of bits in the shop on the way home though. I'm not entirely sure why but she likes it if we stop at the shop after class!

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