I could see this run far enough, I had been dreading it and dreaming about it all week - it wasn't even a longer one, it's just that these long runs are dominating our weekends and that's getting a bit boring. anyway, we went for it and beefy fell behind almost straight away. I went on and despite it being the hilly route round bourtie past shieldon, I got into it fairly quickly. I wish I'd taken my earphones though, I thought I was going to be chatting to beefy all the way round. anyway, at about the 6.5 mile mark my knee started twinging again but it was ok and went away on the downhills. I got back to meldrum and went round the dirt track to try and make it the full 2 hours and at the roundabout the knee pain got sharper and a couple of times felt like it might give way. so I stopped at 10.5 miles. physio for me I think - runners knee. boooo.

I went swimming with the girls in ellon to recover. the new pool is all lovely and clean. it was good fun, although I'll need to buy myself a swimming costume for next time as the girls have nicked mine and I had to wear my bikini.

knackered now.

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