I bought a wee white photography pop up tent thing for taking better photos of my work in an attempt to appear a bit more professional haha. it's hard to get the background so smooth that you don't see some creases so I'm going to have to play around with the lights and maybe ask for a wee tutorial from my photographer pals. I had to fight off dougal and peggy who both wanted inside the wee tent too...I don't blame them, it looks quite nice in there.

granda is away with gran to see barbara dickson in edinburgh so I took daisy over to ellon for her chanter lesson. me and peggo had an hour to kill so we bought some food we didn't need in aldi then spoke a lot of crap to each other in the car whilst listening to the ukulele cd jake had given her. her last baby tooth came out today, so officially none of our kids have baby teeth anymore... and she's trying to catch out the tooth fairy by videoing her bed on her phone. monkey.

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