That's Life!

By Agan

Once In A . . .

Blue Moon - We watched and waited, but tonight's promised and much awaited blue moon looked the same as usual to me, although I think I noticed a slight blue tinge to the edges. But that's probably my imagination or a trick of the light . . .

There's always the ghost factor, of course; the picture was taken at the site of a deserted and supposedly haunted farmhouse, me snapping away like a maniac with Jools bravely standing guard . . . well, actually, she was sitting on guard in the car, engine running, doors securely locked and hand hovering over the horn. Just in case . . .

"Seeing you out there reminded me of a song",
she said when I returned. . .

"Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own"

"I remember . . . it ended in mass murder", I replied. "Nope, you moron. It's by the Marcels (Listen) ; you're thinking of Nick Cave. Let's get out of here".

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