The Girls!

I could have joined the  Women Who Walk this morning but I wasn't feeling that energetic and my sister decided she would not rush to leave - decision made! Good decision as it turns out - my sisters car wouldn't start and she had to call the AA! I thought we would be unpacking her car and she would be staying a while longer - but it was a flat battery, as in dead as a dodo! She had a new one put in and was on her way! 
I pootled round the house tidying as I went, until it was chicken bedtime - time to see what state the coop was in! I had thought I'd have been up to see them yesterday but had felt so lethargic. Well the bedding I put in the run had done a good job of absorbing the poo - obvious no one had taken any out, nor had they given them any of the fruit or millet sprays I had left for them - at least they had given them the greens - I found their nibbled stalks in the run bedding!  But the girls themselves looked fine so after giving them the fruit and sweetcorn I tucked them in the coop! next time I open them, wednesday, i can give them freedom! Defra regs on Avian Flu won't apply to our area any more! Can' wait to see how they react to being given free range! 

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