Mirrie Dancers at Berry Farm

It rained for most of the morning, finally cleared by lunchtime.  It was a fine afternoon, sunny spells too, followed by a calm night, well some more showers mixed in.

Day off work, and a lazy morning due to the rain.  I took friend Julie to Lerwick in the morning, I walked Sammy around and we both got soaked!  After my afternoon walkies, I got on with chores,  and even managed to get some clothes out on the line.  Some friends popped by this evening, and then it was telly time. 

The Mirrie Dancers (northern lights) have been out this past few days, but I've missed them due to work!  Even tonight I went for a run with Julie, but too cloudy!  However, last night after work, me and Sammy went for our walkies, and we caught the end of the show.  Hopefully get a right glimpse of them again soon.  Taken over Berry Farm, Scalloway. 

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