Doubling up
Tea with a neighbour was a fine start to the day (particularly since it was a deliciously salty Japanese tea). Much talk of Japanese gardens, gardening for wildlife and the problem of who to vote for.
Later off to the closing-down tree nursery with said neighbour, though they didn't have what he needed and nor did they have the cherry trees I wanted.
Then straight into baking for the basketball loto tonight. The kids get a bit grumpy about this as it tends to mean the house is filled with baking smells... and then everything is packaged up and taken away. So today I doubled up, and we will be eating chocolate cookies and rocky road all weekend (which is just as well as there's no other food in the house).
TallGirl has not had a fabulous day. Her history teacher thought her essay for her mock brevet was so good that he read it out to the class AND made them all copy down the best bits. I can imagine TG nearly died on the spot. She's been telling me all year that this teacher hates her. Now I believe her. And this evening her unbroken loto winning streak finally came to an end, though I'm sure the inattention caused by us chatting to two of my pals didn't help.
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