Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Green and lush

Had to go to the Lakes this afternoon and went a bit earlier than I needed to so that Bonnie could have her usual paddle in Bassenthwaite. We started from just outside Thornthwaite for a change - the route goes along the edge of some very nice woodland before entering a tunnel underneath the busy A66. The water level in the lake was very high, not surprising really after all the recent rain.

Anyhow don't think I'll be going there for a while, well until the insects have gone as I've been bitten on the chin again only this time I've had a reaction and it felt as if I had a big boil on the end of my chin which was sooo embarassing!! I'm pleased to say that it seems to be going down now.

A friend told me earlier that Hadrian's Wall path was going to be lit up tonight with lanterns, so I thought great, that will be a super blip. There were no lanterns in the village so I got in the car and went to the coast road a couple of miles away as its very straight for miles and miles and thought how super it would look all lit up. But alas it was in darkness! According to one web site not all the route was lit, just between Birdoswald and Carlisle whereas other web sites said it would be whole route.

Anyhow back to today's blip, this is the view which was unfolding as we were walking back to the car and I like the way the mountain seems to be peeping through the trees.

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