
...ping heck!

Why am I a worrier? I can rationalise situations but I still get myself in a tiz about them. Tomorrow I'm acting supervisor....eek. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it....but I'm still worried....sigh.

I've been given the travel arrangements for my trip to London this week for the filming....oh Lordy, I'm in full panic mode. I'm more worried about the trains than I am about the quiz show. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it....I feel sick :(

I picked up my steampunk jacket from the Vintage Shop today. I love it, I might just wear it with jeans too.

The coven met at Ellen's this afternoon for tea and scones....and a pancake. Ellen had made some batter so we could celebrate Shrove Tuesday on Saturday......she was an expert tosser!

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