The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


I didn't even blip yesterday. It felt like the first time I started to get back on track and start to get some good habits going again, since I took.a day off work on Wednesday. I felt better by the time I went to bed, but I had not taken any photos apart from one of a cake....

I made a gluten free cake that was actually really nice! That must be a first. It was a Doves farm recipe: I will.put up a link. It isn't sugar free, but not high in added sugars. Sugar free goodies go off in about three minutes, even in the fridge. Link here:

Best of all, some friends turned up while it was still warm, so we had a tea party! The bad news is that Steve now has 'my' cold and has retired upstairs. This is  dull.

As for today: I went to my job. I took my break, and a bus to my other job. This was lovely, because there were only a few students and I was able to give them each a neck and shoulder massage. This has never happened before, in 13 years. Maybe I never let it happen...

I also got an order for some cards. Yay! It's been a tough couple of months for the business. www.
But I did not take a single photo. Always rushing.
So here I am, watching Panorana, about sleep deprivation, and remembering that it's almost exactly a year ago since I attended a workshop, run by the children's sleep charity, about sleep and autism. It was for me a useful day, but interesting to see that the issue of sleep deprivation among children has now hit the headlines. Tablets and mobile phones have a lot to answer for. The light they emit interferes with sleep patterns, even if the child appears quiet while playing with the device.  The recommendation of the Children's sleep charity is not to allow the use of any screens one hour before bedtime. I try to do this for myself.

Anyway, this surely enough.for one day, even if I am talking about yesterday as well!

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