Two Lions

I was trying to take some shots of dande-lion parachutes, when this parhelion got in the way...

I was trying to take some shots of this parhe-lion, when these dandelion parachutes got in the way.

It's a bit of a compromise, and I had better shots of each individually, but isn't our little world blipping awesome ?

Parhelions are more commonly known as sun-dogs

Not many people know that during the Wars of the Roses in 1461 before the battle of Mortimer's Cross in Herefordshire, there was a very bright complete Parhelion: i.e. a 'dog' each side of the sun.
The Yorkist troops, led by The Duke of York (later Edward lV) , were scared by the vision in the sky, but he convinced them that it was the Holy Trinity and they went on to win the battle convincingly.

William Shakespeare refers to the same event (battle with sun dogs) in King Henry VI, Part 3. When Edward says :
"Dazzle my eyes or do I see three suns"

I can vouch for that, if you look at a sun dog, your eyes will indeed be dazzled, I've still got sun dogs in front of my eyes when I blink!!

Others in the Not Many People Know That series can be found here: tagged notmany


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