A nice little Blip story.

These are genuine wild daffodils. Not the big blousy trumpets which are in every garden at the moment. But pale, delicate ancestors unmodified by human hand.

They are also part of a lovely little blip story.
A lady who is one of my blip followers and who has lived in the USA for, I think, over fifty years, was born and brought up here a few miles south of Arnside.

She tells me that as a young girl (I suspect in the 1940s) she would come to Tower Farm. Here for a penny or so you could take a shoe box into these very woods and fill it with wild daffodils. There were thousands of them and it was accepted as a normal thing to do.

Well I am pleased to show her that they are still there and now protected. In fact my first extra may show the very path, just behind Arnside Tower, where she probably went on a sunny March day all those decades again.

My second extra shows a very happy herd of dairy cows released at last from the winter sheds and enjoying the fresh green growth. All the milk from these cows goes for making delicious cheese.

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