
By Juleshki

Pole Dancer!

Another walk down the Leeds Liverpool canal today, making it three days in a row.
On this occasion I only went out for a walk up the lane to the post box about half a mile away. But when I got there I decided to make it into an extended round trip which brought me back along the tow-path.

Lots of families were out there taking advantage of the warm weather before the kids have to be back in school later this week.

Met two gentlemen who were negotiating getting their canoe between the many sets of locks along this stretch. Lots of loading and unloading! They had set off from Liverpool very early yesterday morning and were heading all the way to Leeds to raise money for charity.

After they had continued on their way I asked myself why I hadn't photographed them both. Doh! Too busy chatting!

And so, where was this one taken?
About 8 feet from my front door, after I had walked along my local stretch of the canal!

I was intending to aim for the fuschia flower but she caught my eye instead!

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