Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Went the day well?

Actually it did. I kicked off with a very good meeting with a positive outcome that left me with a grin for the rest of the day. Nothing like taking a big step forward on the HR front. Then a very positive big meeting which was excellent partly because I wasn't. for once, taking the minutes. Then another meeting where we signed off some good stuff that is the kind of thing that keeps you awake at night if it isn't sorted.

Then a lovely lunch with Ms M (pictured) who is moving teams after today. It was a light lunch but she had bought THE most wicked cake from her local baker in Brighton for later on and OMG talk about culinary orgasm  ... I was on a teleconference and had to press the mute button as I did my When Harry Met Sally table thumping and screaming impression, it tasted that good. Oh yeah and the teleconference went well too. Then another good meeting to round off the day. Then met TSM and went to a couple of pubs then came home and had a yak with Top Gun then ... well TSM fell asleep but I am still full of beans so will probably watch a movie and then go to bed with a big grin on my face because for once I actually feel really good and not tired and could leap tall buildings with a single bound etc ...

Yes, the day went well.

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