IR Day

I went out walking PD naked this morning.
Or at least, it felt that way.
It was rather wet and looked like getting wet so I left the camera at home.
That was why I felt naked.
I always carry a camera and it just felt weird not to have one (No - my phone doesn't count ....... the camera is rubbish and it hates me anyway) .
I didn't feel so bad at lunchtime.
It was still raining a bit- but not too badly, so I risked bringing the camera out of my pocket a couple of times.

It is amazing how much the dead leaves still reflect infrared light. In this one the grass and wild garlic leaves in reality stuck out like beacons against the really dark brown dead leaves. The trees stood out a bit better - although the birches ..... not so much.

SWMBO  decided we are going away this weekend ..... just for the night.
So tomorrow we are heading north.
Watch this space.

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