Friday fun

Fridays are fast becoming my favourite day of the week and not just because it's weigh-in day and I get to eat like a pig. Without fail our brilliant group of Friday girls teach me something new each time we see them. They're so sharp and quick witted but are often open to sharing their vulnerabilities and insecurities. They make me laugh and cry in fairly equal measure. Today they were writing down words which they have heard girls/women being called or words which they themselves had been called. A pretty damning list, especially when every single girl raised their hands to say they'd been called at least one of those things at least once. One of them explained that when you're told that you are 'this' or 'that' thing over and over again, then you start to believe that it is true. Another explained that when you only hear those negative words from guys, you know that if they ever use nice words, it's because they want to get with you. I think every girl growing up deserves to have brilliant men in their life who tell them they're beautiful and smart and valuable before they start to hear the negative stuff.

This evening was the relaunch of our Open Mic night which was made all the better for being in the wonderful surroundings of Palmer's Cafe. Good fun even if it was past my bedtime.

I'm shooting a wedding with happyframe tomorrow and I'm hoping for a good night's sleep not one full of nightmare wedding scenarios. 

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