Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 22 - Brugge

Woke up - Calais, France
Busked - Brugges, Belgium
Staying - Brugges, Belgium...

Brilliantly sunny day! Enough to give this scot a headache! I'm roasting up like i'm having a hot flush!!!

Great day Busking, I really like Brugge, it's so peaceful, and touristy enough without being crammed with people! Beautiful. :-)

Dec, Riv, Jai, MrG and I sat and had a coffee/tea in the square in Brugges, it was really good just to get out and chill as people and not talk about the band much!!

Definitely want to bring a certain someone back here, it's gorgeous! Just like her...

"Thank God for tea! What would the world do without tea! How did it exist? I am glad I was not born before tea."
? Sydney Smith, A memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith

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