Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 23 - Antwuuurp

Woke up - Brugge Hostel
Travelled to - Antwarp
Busked - Antwarp
Travelled to - Brussels
Busked - Brussles
Travelled to - ...accommodation

Brugge was absolutely beautiful, had a good walk around this morning took lots of pictures and ate some pomme frites (Something you have to do if you go to Belgium) Having them for breakfast and tea was maybe not such a good idea

We started to busk in Antwarp but got moved on by the Politie (Police) as we were too loud for one of the shops... Sigh...

We headed to Brussels which, I didn't particularly like... Drove through an area right in the city centre with loads of women in windows offering themselves... Made me angry at the whole viewing woman as an object thing... Hmm...

We finished busking in Brussles very late and I was left in charge of the van... A creepy man slightly freaked me out but I'm all good. Just got a scare... Locked myself into the van until the others got back to be on the safe side... Not a great experience and made my opinion of Brussels ever worse!

We are now heading to "somewhere" I actually have no idea where, just that it is a hotel for the night... I'm ready to crash and burn which is why I'm writing this blip into my notes in the van. This picture was taken in Antwarp during our break when the Politie came along. My life on the streets...

Vocals and Violin...

"If music be the food of love, play on
William Shakespear

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