Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

It's a kinda magic


Don't move......don't even breathe.....the spell has be cast.

A morning so perfect that it had me enchanted, spellbound, bewitched and any other number of words that say the same thing. In the absence of any breeze and a sky so clear and blue I stood motionless in the meadow. Each day something different, each day a new thing to stare at. Will the spiders webs be wonderful today? Will there be mist? Are the birds going to sing so as to break my heart? Each day.......something wonderful!

The dew clung to strange things today, the spiders had no watery orbs getting in their way but the grass was sodden. A carpet of dazzling jewels glistening in the low sunlight. Tiny refractions giving rainbow colours in the corner of your eye. The seed head of thistles all diamond coated held my gaze for what seemed like eternity. What grace, what joy, what wonder is mine for this magical morning!

I have a long busy day least for a short while I got to be in wonderland! :D

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