Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Gratefully yours

I stood watching the sun rise this morning... I know, I do that a lot, and as the first rays of light hit me and it warmed my chilly skin, I thought how blessed I am.

Last night a surprise party was held in my honour, I have worked for the same company for 30 years! Amongst people that I care for, old and new, I smiled and was touched by the appreciation shown to me....a little thanks...that's all we need.

It is my birthday this weekend and I can't wait to see my buddies, enjoy their smiles and revel in the inevitable laughter. I have been asked for gift ideas....difficult when I have so much..... that's the point I think... I know I have so much. My health, my fitness, my joy in life, my wonderful and beautiful wife, my friends..oh my precious friends, all the things that I have to help me enjoy life (and I have all the toys, believe me...I've worked hard all my life and treat myself well!) it all adds up to a great existence!

So for the warm sun kissed skin and everything inbetween, for the company that I have on this wonderful journey, for the body that continues to not let me down (no matter what I push it to to do!), for a mind that lets me see how lucky I am....... I am grateful.

Today I will see the sun rise and I shall watch it set.......and as I watch the last rays slip away I will say a little prayer of thanks to the universe.....thanks for making me....because I love it!

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