Something Fishy!

I had a whole load of chores to do today but first i had to get a new cooker. The fan oven had been making a funny noise for months when first switched on,  then saturday it wouldn't heat up at all! I gave it a day but no it had died. I decided on a rangemaster with ceramic hob as it looked old fashioned! Blow me if when I ordered it i found it would be delivered the next day! So no chores done but a complete clean around the cooker! 
Oh my what a disgusting mess! I used fresh  limes and hot soapy water and then bleach to clean the walls and floor! Then i moved all the saucepans and tins next to it, then moved everything out of the hallway and moved everything in the kitchen to one side so they could take a direct path to where it was to go! The upside was that I sorted my shoes and moved some upstairs - the hall looks so spacious without them I don't want to clutter it up again! I also moved my books from under the coffee table in the kitchen to under the coffee table in the front room, and the ones that were there upstairs! My I have a lot of books to read when I find the time!
Exhausted I realised I hadn't taken a photo all day - so you have my fish! The large orange and black striped one is one of my Clown /Tiger Loach Fishes! The rest the ever breeding platies! Whenever you approach the tank they go into a frenzy expecting food! It's like a writhing, broiling mass of piranhas! Why do all my animals need constant feeding and cleaning! 

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