
By AnnieBScotland

so far so great!

birthday booty!!!

needless to say the macro lens is my favourite pressie so far, don't tell John I said that, because he hates cut flowers and in all the time I have known him he has never given me any. not to say there hasn't been a few very broad hints along the lines of you might not like flowers but doesn't need to stop you buying me some but today I was gobsmacked to get a dozen cream roses!! awww!!

he gave me the lens too of course!

hoping that the extension tube I need for the raynox lens is on the way from the kids - will see them at the weekend. update - should have known John would arrange for Iain to give it to me, so I have it!!

so.. a real birthday and a blip birthday in the same week!! I hope I can make it to Saturday!

must stop singing that Beatles song around the house now.....

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