
So...I sent off the email this morning to register us for the dragon boat racing. I should receive information soon (I hope) and then I can get everything organised. "Will we be able to practise beforehand?" asked someone. Well, I set out the chairs and shouted for them to paddle in time to Janet's imaginary drum beat......I think we're race ready now!

It was a good day today. We were at The Last Drop Village. It was a great team out and we have had a laugh a team and with donors. I received a text from Jude this evening....'What time do you finish tonight? I really fancy a G&T.' Well, I fancied one too, so I called on the way home and had one....and very nice it was too. I'm shattered now and need to sleep as I'm off tomorrow and can have a lie in, but I have a long list of things I need to do!

I shall try to catch up with everyone tomorrow :))

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