I'm No Speakin' to Yous!

There's always one, isn't there, one that is not speaking to the others. It seems this seagull on the left has issues with its friends as it perched on the railings above Princes Street Gardens.

It was a typical Monday in the Dower House- a little shopping, a little fancy footwork in the gym and a little cleaning in advance of my cycling ladies coming for coffee tomorrow. Apart from their prowess on bicycles, they are renowned for clean houses. I may be the odd one out.

With all this activity, I was startled by the ringing of the phone, but eventually remembered that it being a Monday it would surely be my Irish friend, she of the many talents. As I used to see her every Monday when she lived 10 mins away, we have kept up the habit of continuing with our dialogue of righting the world to our specifications. It will soon be time to see her in person across the Irish Sea.

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