Faded Bloom and Bad Timing
Anyone not knowing me well might think, from the evidence of the dried up rose in a vase on my desk,that I was a hopeless romantic. My friends and family would judge me just a hopeless housewife and of course they would be correct.
This rose has been in situ since St Valentine’s Day and is so much part of the furniture now that I had stopped noticing it until this morning when a look out of the window satisfied me that there was no merit in stravaiging about in the rain just to get a blip. Like tulips, roses gain some allure from old age.
Thinking a while ago that it would be nice to have a night in Peebles to welcome in the spring, we are off later this afternoon to do just that, except that welcoming in the spring has been replaced by spending more time in the gloom of winter.
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye!
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