Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 24 - Luxembourg

Today we woke up in the Formula 1 hotel at Charleroi, south of Brussles. The hotel was like being on a ship!! Filled with lorry drivers. It is a good thing there are 8 of us together as it's not the nicest of place to stay in ever! Eva and I have the double bed and Graham has the single bed which is in the bunk above us... sidey ways across our heads! Very odd set up but it actually works quite well for one night...

We travelled to a town called Namur which Riv and Jai decided not to busk in so we continued our travels to Luxembourg!! A day of lots of Van time. Lux was much more successful on the positive vibe. Right kind of audience and cool space on the street. We busked in the centre for a few hours and then had a chipper/kebab for tea + an amazing ice-cream!... Had a small walk around being tourists after our performance and have now arrived at our accommodation for the night.

It was a good day busking. Dec got moaned at today for not rocking out enough... which I thought was slightly unfair... as he was rocking out with his guitar most of the time and only at the appropriate times! Annoys me when Riv is slightly abrupt in her criticisms and not very constructive sometimes but hey ho... That's just how it is...

After we finished performing this man came along near to where we were and started blowing massive bubbles using a tiny bucket and bits of rope on sticks!! I was completely zoned out in bubbles for a long time...! Made me smile! Such a toddler sometimes

Time for some skypes to X and a slightly earlier night tonight... :)

Happy Hedgehog today :)

"There is not angry way to say bubbles"

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