The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild


Let's put this photo in perspective. Each of these boxes is 2 feet high! The banner says, "Partners in Caring."

Obviously, there is something wrong with this picture. Regardless of having "whole grains," the majority of these products are loaded with sugar and high fructose corn syrup, and not very healthy for young children to eat on a daily basis.

In fact, I was appalled when I walked into one of our larger chain grocery stores and was greeted by this abomination.

I rarely have purchased these items, and since swearing off HFCS, purchase very few processed foods. My mom refused to buy "junk food," as she called it. I remember having to purchase my own commercial yogurt when I was a teen.

I'm not telling you what to buy or what to feed your kids, but hope you will consider healthier alternatives.

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