The Steppes of Castro Verde

Today's the day ........................ to follow in the footsteps

It doesn't take much imagination to understand why the Great Bustard would choose an area like this to settle down and call home.

What you see here is a vast area of grassland full of wild flowers which bring to it all the colours of the rainbow - and make it look a bit like a watercolour painting.  We were sent here by Jane and Rob who had been here earlier in the month, with full instructions on how to find the best places to see orchids and other plants - and birdwatch.

We saw their entry in the book at the excellent Wildlife Conservation Centre so I know we weren't as successful as them - but we were still delighted by what we did see.  They included Montagu Harriers, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Shrikes (see extra), Bee-eaters, White Storks and Spanish sparrows sharing a nest (see extra), Lesser Kestrels, Azure Magpies and 3 Spanish Imperial Eagles.

The only bird we didn't see were the Great Bustards although I'm sure they were there - just keeping a low profile in the midday sun perhaps?  Ah well - you have to leave something for the next time, don't you . . . .  . . . . . ?

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