twinned with trumpton


First full day of the Easter nonsense; we were up and at em on a cool morning. 

After a hearty breakfast, we jumped onto bikes and headed off on the various paths into town; stopped to pick up G and then carried on thru' the Meadows to Skelf. We failed to make it for the opening on Friday, but by 10 we were there with 20 other kids (and big kids); mostly bikes but a couple of boarders and a scooter or two. And one 3 year old on a balance bike having a whale of a time. The kids were initially tentative; it was busy and they wanted some space just to feel their way into it. 

Alex tried the trail rather than the pump track and came unstuck at the  big sweeping left handed berm at the bottom of the hill; no serious injury and I think the back brakes are done (a stripped thread on the screw that holds the brake cable tight). 

But we hung about; I clocked up the 5th fastest time on Strava for the loop before we headed off; dropped G as she was off with her dad, and we went home. 25km sorta day. (And McDonalds at Telford Road to break the journey home)

We met her at 3; went shopping; and then off to the OT for the photographic event of the the year. Whilst I saw the artist (and the piss artists -Pensioner, Insto), I also missed Rex, MrSmith and Craftynini - sorry guys - post migraine befuddlement and hungry kids meant we had to bail out. Some decent snap shots on show; do yersel a favour and go have a look. 

Home / dinner and about 3 minutes after Tom was in bed, so was I

Me on my power lap; photo (I think) is by G

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