
By Munroist4113

Face off - and feathers flying!

Our super fit friends arrived in time for lunch (Scotch Broth and fruit) then we headed up,Simonside. We drove over the valley to the car park and headed off up through the woods and onto the tops. It was the clearest day we've ever had for views - Cheviot in the north stood out, all the wind turbines to the south, east and west glistened in the sun, the sea in the east sparkled - but my blip had to be these two cock grouse facing off for a territorial fight. They started off stalking round each other with a lot of squawking, then suddenly tore into each other with feathers flying as they almost danced in fury. My fighting pix are a blur so here you have them getting ready for the next bout.

The others walked back and I went the 1.2 miles down the road to pick up the car. Once home I made a start on dinner, and then walked back down to the village to meet them in the newish bar The Narrow Nick for a pint of some nice micro brewery beer. Once back they all had showers while I made a spiced butternut squash risotto for supper. I ate supper minus the shower - had no time so will do that now!

They get up at 6 am for a run so I showed them where tea/coffee etc is.

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