
Today's the day ......................... for an aerial view

All good things must come to an end eventually - and today we flew back home.

This was not long after the plane took off from Faro Airport.  It did a bit of a loop so that we could see the distinctive watery channels of the Rio Formosa with the Algarve coastline stretching westwards - and then headed northwards.  It was easy to track our course because the skies were completely clear.  It was a geographer's dream as we flew up through Spain, out over the Cantabrian Mountains across the Bay of Biscay, just clipping Brittany before crossing the Channel. 

Then we flew over the South West Peninsula of England to the Bristol Channel and northwards through Wales.  It was only when we got to Cheshire that we went into a big bank of cloud - and that was it until we landed at Edinburgh.  It was a distinctly chilly 8 degrees in Edinburgh as opposed to the 21 degrees in Faro. 

Fortunately a good weekend's weather is forecasted to remind us of the warmer climes we left behind ..................... 

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