Sheffield Park .....
..... views around the lake!
" A " and I went to Sheffield Park this afternoon only to be waved on by the car park attendants -- it was full. However we continued about half a mile down the road to the Bluebell Railway car park, a lovely field set in country surroundings, so we had our snack lunch and a cuppa. So after about an hour we ventured back to S. P. hey presto it was worth it as we now were allowed in. We managed to walk( I hobbled ) round one lake, both "A " and me were done in so a cup of tea beckoned then we came home by 5.30pm. But it has been a glorious day full of sunshine. Palm Sunday service was brilliant, I can imagine the day could have been similar in weather on that journey that was going to end in disaster ! But for us it was to save mankind . The path we choose to take is ours, he gave us " free will " in the hopes we would use it well.
Thankful ..... for being able to believe .
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