
Plans for a good wander became plans for a lazy stroll as 4 days of back to back meetings took their toll. Add in an unexpected viewing of an apartment and the instant access part of the brain was on overload...
The best cure for that (for me, nowadays) is to go and find that earthing connection, to let the noise fade and the natural glow.
Here that is especially easy, but really its an internal acceptance that can be done anywhere - but i probably shouldn't make too much of that as its good to have lots of reason to be here ;)
We wandered along the Val Montjoie - crocuses are just breaking out, ice lingers in the shade and the river is roaring as the higher snows melt. In the sunny valley floor butterflies flit and every puddle, pond and slow moving stream is alive with the splashing of frogs. The lizards are fighting to sun themselves, slowly waking up and rising on their tails to display. Clinging to a just accessible rock I found more of the endangered Primula minima I mentioned earlier in the week, scrambling across the lichen covered rocks to get a blip amused both members of Team IttH.

We strolled home a little lighter of mind and with a little more spring in our step.

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