
Poor old Danny has had a time of it, battling Spanish bureaucracy...apparently by law we are not allowed to give Nate more than 1 first name, and the Town Hall insisted his names be hyphenated?! Danny popped to the Consulate to check it, turns out it's not correct, but by the time he got back to Town Hall with a document stating we can have as many first names as we'd like, his details were already being processed & they claimed to not recognise the authority of the document. So his passport & birth certificate will be hyphenated! Argh! In many ways not a big deal, but it's not what we chose!! We can appeal to have it changed, but not for a few weeks - what an unnecessary faff.
I had a much nicer morning, spent with Jud...she came armed with meals ready for us to just heat up & pastries for breakfast - what a star! Nice pastry was just what I needed after a very wakeful night with Nate!

Danny & I went to collect Asha from school, the blip is Asha's teacher Susi...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Paracetamol - been fighting a headache for 2 days.
2) Jud's generosity.
3) Public breastfeeding going ok!

Extra phone pic of a feisty looking Nate!

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