Where the Hoopoe sings

Catching up a bit from a fairly frantic week. Sunday found me out in the Casentino in beautiful weather. I arranged to go and see a man about a house.

It has turned out rather well. Indeed. I had to go and fetch The Boss from an hour away to bring her to see my find. She approved.

This is in the big cantina. Apples from last autumn filling it with a beautfiul smell. Barrels of Vin Santo - a Tuscan speciality at about 14.5 per cent - fermenting away in the gloom. They sit in the barrel for three years (extra).

The rush rack the apples are on is from the 19th century and they are used to dry out the grapes to make Vin Santo. There is even the possibility of an old wooden cart with the property.

Much excitement.

While ringing the Boss from above the house after my visit a Hoopoe started poking around in the grass. Crept towards it but it was a canny bird.

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