Easter Smiles

Tired eyes, pale face, spots under a layer of calamine that's become like a second skin... but still a few smiles for Easter Sunday. 

I had to go to work today as I was running the children's Easter party but Katie stayed home with a lovely lady from church. I had kept quiet about Easter hunts and things as I had organised it outside ready for her to do when Steph arrived to distract from the grumps of me going. I said Steph could use her discretion as to how much sugary stuff Katie ate this morning. Katie and Steph are now definite friends- her discretion was very generous! They did the crafts that I had included in one of Katie's parcels, they did a craft Steph had brought for her. They watched a movie - with a break in the middle during which Katie wanted to play the clarinet. After the film, they played outside with bubbles. They were in Katie's room playing lego when I got home. It was the brightest Katie had been in several days, which was lovely to see. It was however followed by a bit of a flop from my tired out girl. 

During lunch I let her sit with a movie and we snuggled together for the rest of it. She had a bit of time with the bubbles again then did a bit of clarinet. She was really tired (as indicated by something of a meltdown) so she went for a rest in her bed. She came back and did a bit more before her tea. We had a lovely time together learning a new duet on the piano and practising one we'd abandoned a while back. It was nice to see how both of us have come on. She'd completely mastered her part in no time at all. 

I ran a bath for her to soak in - the combination of bicarb, oats, calamine, lots of vitamin c and rest is all paying off and she seems to be getting the start of the scabbing over phase. Here's hoping we're turning a corner now. 

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